245 Years.

Serving our city,
united in Christ.

welcome to the georgetown presbyterian church

Located in the heart of Washington, DC for over 240 years, GPC strives to be a sanctuary in the city.


Inspired by the Reformed tradition, our church lives at the intersection of centuries of tradition and energetic, current engagement with our city and the world. We gather, young and old, across the political spectrum, and from throughout the DC Metro area, in the hope of worshiping God together and being a community of faith and witness.



11:00 a.m.


3115 P Street NW
Washington, DC 20007

Please Join Us

We intend for our community to be one of generous hospitality, transformative mission, rigorous Christian education, and robust faith and worship. We are members of the Presbyterian Church (USA), which means our community is part of a larger regional church body, and a national governing body. Every member has a voice in church matters.  

Whether a long-time Presbyterian or a newcomer to faith, please come and join us.



Check Out Our Podcast!

Listen to interviews with members as they share about their faith journeys, vocations, and GPC experience. Hosted by Music Director Mark Willey, this is a great way to learn about GPC and connect with our community!