About GPC
A Note from the Pastor…
Welcome to Georgetown Presbyterian Church – a church in the center of our nation’s capital with a heart for worship, service, and education. We hope you will visit us and experience the warmth and welcome of our growing community. Our congregation is held together by a common desire to be faithful to Christ’s call to discipleship. While proud of our history, we are excited about how God is calling us to be faithful today in our corner of the kingdom.
Wherever you are on your journey of faith you are welcome among us. In our pews you will find those who are steeped in Presbyterian tradition and those who are new to the Christian faith. Young and old alike find a sanctuary for their lives in our congregation.
To learn more about our church community, I encourage you to peruse our website. Here you can find information on Children’s Worship, Christian Education, Mission projects, Worship Times and more. If you would like to know more, please contact us.
Georgetown Presbyterian Church seeks to be a place where you can foster a living faith as you seek to know and love God and neighbor. Join us and partner with us in that ministry. We look forward to welcoming you.
Every Blessing,
Rev. Dr. Camille Cook Howe, Senior Pastor
The Georgetown Presbyterian Church is a church whose history reaches back over two centuries, but whose vision reaches forward into the future. Our metropolitan congregation spans generations and crosses the political aisle. Our community is one of generous hospitality, transformative mission, rigorous Christian education, and robust faith and worship.
Through weekly dinners for the hungry, many adult and children’s educational opportunities, the beautiful choir, the excellent preaching, the community at GPC strives to reflect Christ’s love and excellence in all we do.
As individuals we have a variety of theological positions at the church, but we strive to be one body united through service, worship, and relationship. We have always valued our multi-generational families that worship with us, and we are excited to welcome the many new younger individuals and families that are joining.
So whether a long-time Presbyterian or a newcomer to the faith, GPC is a place where you can get a good meal, a good sermon, a good education, and a chance to do some good. Here, we are always learning how to live as members of the body of Christ. Come and join us.
“We are members of the Presbyterian Church (USA), which means our community is part of a larger regional church body, and a national governing body. The denomination works similarly to the US Government, and was founded near the same time (did you know a Presbyterian signed the Declaration of Independence?). This means that every member has a voice in church matters.”
how our congregation will reach its destination
Georgetown Presbyterian Church welcomes all persons into our community to aid their spiritual growth and energize them for God’s service through inclusive fellowship, Christian education that nourishes faith in the hearts and minds of adults and children, meaningful worship that inspires, and focused mission that changes lives beyond the congregation.
what our congregation sees as its future
Georgetown Presbyterian Church aspires to be a robust, diverse, caring, spirit-filled congregation that enriches the lives of its members, and through them, our community, our nation’s capital, our nation, and the world by spreading the good news of Jesus Christ in word and deed.