GPC Youth

YOUTH GROUP (6th-12th grade) September-May




Youth Group happens about twice a month, and can take place in the Youth Room at GPC, or around town. We gather for fun, fellowship, food, and to engage with our mission partners. Depending on what is going on at GPC at the time, Youth Group might join other church groups in their work, such as serving a Saturday Supper, or helping with a refugee move, or we might go off and do our own thing. Youth Group is geared for children in middle and high school, and all are welcome.

CONFIRMATION (Grades 6 and up)



Led by Pastor Meghan, GPC’s Confirmation Class provides a space where curiosity and questions are encouraged, where we learn about one another as much as about theology and the Bible, share stories about how faith makes a difference in our lives, and also have fun along the way. Confirmation at GPC is typically offered every other school year. Confirmation meets weekly on Sunday mornings at 10:00 am in the Youth Room. All confirmands are paired with a mentor, either from the church or from the confirmand’s life, and sponsors also attend classes as much as possible.

Youth Service Opportunities

At GPC, we offer programming specific to middle and high school students, but we also want these church members to be active participants in the life of the church outside of Youth Ministry. There are multiple opportunities to serve on Sunday mornings, or at other times during the week for interested youth. Reach out to Jennie if any of these sound right for you.

Young Children and Worship: Be a helper for our worship service for younger children, ages PreK-second grade. 

Nursery: Help care for our youngest church-goers in the nursery on Sunday mornings. 

Sound Board Volunteer: Learn to work the sound board from Music Director Mark Willey so that you can help stream the worship service on Sunday mornings.

GPC Choir: If you are musically inclined, consider joining the GPC choir in the choir loft each week. The choir members rehearse with Mark from 9:30 - 10:30a.m. each Sunday to be ready to sing at 11:00a.m.