GPC believes that education is central to the faith of its members.
We believe that our faith in Christ is a gift from God, and that God has given us the ability and the desire to understand that faith. That is not to say that our understanding is optional. Rather, the gift of faith gives us the freedom and the responsibility to participate in thoughtful engagement with our church and our world. Therefore, the mission of Christian Education at GPC is to provide a basis for understanding Scripture and the reformed faith, as well as opportunities to look critically at that faith and at the world we live in.
Our programs are led by our pastoral staff, the Adult and Children’s Ministry committees, parents, and teacher volunteers, among others. As a body we strive to bring the light of understanding to our faith in Christ.
We offer a variety of opportunities for education for different ages. Find out more by clicking an age group below.
“Our church will welcome people at all stages of their journeys
of faith - from those seeking to learn something about Christianity to those steeped in church history and theology.”
Adult Education
From Bible studies to current events, the Adult Ministries Program at Georgetown Presbyterian Church offers ways to explore our faith and its repercussions in our lives, our community, our nation, and our world. All are welcome on Sunday mornings at the Adult Education classes and at weekly bible studies. On Sundays, nursery care and children’s Sunday School available for your kids. We often have midweek offerings or occasional studies, and special series are offered at Advent and Lent, during summer, and occasionally through the Reformed Institute of Metropolitan Washington.
Newcomers are always welcome! Check out the Calendar for current bible studies and classes, or contact the church office for more information.
Adult Education is a long-running weekly lecture series focused on issues of importance to our faith and our community. Past topics have ranged from the history of Reformed theology to current religious, social, political, and economic developments here and abroad. Speakers are drawn from the rich diversity of expertise provided by Washington, and include leaders from government; neighboring universities, churches and divinity schools; think tanks and other private sector organizations; as well as from our own congregation. Classes meet Sundays at 9:45 a.m. in the Washington Room or via Zoom, and the group takes a hiatus between Memorial Day and Labor Day.
Sundays, September-May @ 9:45 a.m.
Previous Classes Include…
Edit Frenyo on refugees in Europe, from Ukraine and beyond
Rabbi Hyim Shafner of Kesher Israel Congregation on the Jewish Sabbath
Kara VanderKamp of the Remember Niger Coalition
Dr. Dan Normandin on John Milton and Paraside Lost
Professor Thomas Rid on the war in Ukraine
Tara Libert and the poets of the Free Minds Book Club
Mary Bogle on direct cash assistance and Thrive DC
Former White House Press Secretary Mike McCurry on the intersection of faith and coalition buildingBruce Douglass on race and the Presbyterian church
Dr. Beverly E. Mitchell on the life and work of the theologian and civil rights leader Howard Thurman
Dr. Eliot Cohen on Shakespeare, faith, and politics
Rev. Jennifer Butler on her book, Who Stole My Bible?
GPC Annual Preacher Series
Inaugurated in 2013, The Georgetown Presbyterian Church’s Guest Preacher Weekend seeks to offer spiritual and intellectual enrichment, hospitality and fellowship to our church community and our friends and neighbors in the Washington, DC area.
In September 2013, we proudly welcomed the Rev. Dr. John M. Buchanan, editor of The Christian Century and a respected leader of the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A), as our inaugural speaker. Dr. Buchanan offered reflections on the continuing role of the church in the world and on recent developments in the Mainline Protestant movement. In February 2015 we welcomed our second preacher, Rev. Dr. Kenda Creasy Dean, who spoke to us about the importance of telling our faith stories and making intergenerational connections in our congregations. She highlighted the risk that many of our young people in churches believe less in Christianity than they do in a Moralistic Therapeutic Deism.
“Our church will welcome people at all stages of their journeys
of faith - from those seeking to learn something about Christianity to those steeped in church history and theology.”