Being in your 20’s and 30’s is a unique experience in DC. A million things to do, but sometimes it can feel a little isolating. Each month, join the GPC young adults group for everything from brunch to conversations about faith and public life.
Youth group fosters a safe space for 6th-12th graders to come together and figure out what it means to be a Christian in today’s complex world.
Children are always welcome to stay in the main worship service. During the service, children are called forward for a special message from one of the pastors. After that, they can return to their parents or head to Young Children and Worship (YCW) or Children’s Church.
Care Committee
Let each of you look not to your own interests, but to the interests of others. -Philippians 2:4
Do you know someone who…
… is ill, either in health or in spirit?
… is in mourning?
… needs help with a ride or meal?
… needs someone to talk to?
… has a prayer request?
The Care Committee can help!
Complete the Care and Support Form by clicking below to share what is weighing on you with our team. Let us know how we can love and serve you!
Who are the Deacons’ Care committee and what do they do?
Members of the Deacons’ Care Committee are trained and ordained Georgetown Presbyterian Church officers, committed to congregational care.
• Provide care packages for families with new babies
• Deliver meals to those with a need
• Send cards and make calls to show concern and encouragement
• Organize rides to church
• Pray for those who attend GPC and their loved ones
How do I contact a DeacoN?
Email or complete the GPC Care and Support Form, which goes directly to the current Care Committee Chairperson.
How do I ask for prayer?
Place your prayer on paper in the prayer box located in the narthex to be seen only by the Care Committee.
Send a prayer request by completing the GPC Care and Support Form and checking Prayer Chain (for public prayer requests) or Prayer Team (for private prayer requests).
Join Our Mailing Lists!
Top Five
Get a weekly message from a pastor, staff member, or GPC committee, as well as the top five events at GPC each week. This list is a great way to keep up with all things GPC!
children and families newsletter
GPC has a suite of fantastic offerings for children and families. Stay plugged in and connect to fellow GPC families by subscribing to our weekly Children and Families newsletter. Email Corrie Berg to subscribe.
Young Adults
This newsletter is your one-stop-shop for all of our Young Adults events and happenings. Email to subscribe.
Mission MEssenger
This quarterly email contains updates about GPC’s mission work, the work of our community partners, volunteer spotlights, and ways to get involved. To sign up, email
Host Punch Bunch or Lunch Bunch
Every Sunday the Deacons’ Hospitality Committee coordinates a fellowship hour following worship. Sometimes, we share in light refreshments (punch-bunch), and other times, we partake in a shared hot meal (lunch-bunch).
These weekly events are made possible by volunteer-hosts. Families, friends, GPC “circles” or other GPC small groups are encouraged to sign up! If you are interested in hosting a punch-bunch or lunch-bunch, please visit the sign-up sheet below.
To learn more, email Chase Lubbock (co-Chair), Missye Brickell (co-Chair) or Veronique Dupont, or click below to see our punch-bunch How To’s.
Serve as a Greeter
Have you noticed some smiling faces welcoming you when you enter worship each Sunday? Those are GPC's greeters, volunteers who welcome members and visitors each Sunday with a friendly word and a warm handshake (or elbow bump!). This is a great way to meet people in the congregation and help bring warmth and community to our congregation. To volunteer for this fun and important role, click the button below.